
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Okay story time!


May 5th, 2019


So this afternoon, I decided to go to a coffee shop. Not having a desire to go there in the first place, I went anyways. (Holy Spirit nudge?)

When I arrived, there was no one else but me and the waitresses. 

I took my seat upstairs (because I don’t walk enough stairs as it is… which is a joke – we climb up and go down 5 floors of stairs everyday). Anyways, I order a coffee and cheesecake. Cause why not??

I start listening to some music and read my bible. 

It’s a very smoke filled building, and unfortunately started to give me a headache, but I still sat there. I felt God wanted me to stay, which He showed me why soon enough.

I finish my coffee and cheesecake. 

The waitress comes over to take my stuff away… I still have my earbuds in but all of a sudden find myself asking her name.

I’ll call her “Z” for short.

I tell her my name. 

She asks me where I’m from and what I’m doing in Serbia.

I tell Z that I’m from Canada and that I’m traveling with a group around the world. 

She asks me why.

All I hear coming out of my mouth is that “we’re traveling to spread the name and love of Jesus everywhere we go.” 

She asks why it is important for me to be doing this. 

And I continue to tell her that I want people to experience God’s love for them as He has shown me, and how much He is always going to love them. God loves even you.

Z stopped and eventually smiled. 

I could tell God had stirred something inside of her, and throughout this conversation I definitely know that Z was supposed to hear that today. 

I hope to see her again, but if I don’t, I trust and pray that she will be curious enough to dig deep into God’s word and love that He has for her. 


Remember when I said that missional living is apart of your every day life? Ya, here’s just one example of how God can use you to build His kingdom.

Also, it’s important to remember and not be discouraged like I was the first couple days of “Asking The Lord”, about Him not bringing me anything. It’s not about me, or you, it’s about God and His timing. We just have to be ready and have a “yes” in our spirit.

3 responses to “No Host Month, Ask The Lord, Thoughts – Part Two”

  1. Thank you for sharing these very encouraging and practical thoughts about living missionally where we are.

  2. So good to hear how our Lord has led you on to know Him even better .Your trip has been inspirational to me ,also.