
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

May 5th, 2019

No Host Month has begun. 

And wow oh wow has it been a rollercoaster already. At least for me anyway.

I’m going to be honest, I was nervous going into this month. No Host, means no already built structure. We personally need to make our own, and be super intentional. 

The first couple of days… sure we have met some people. But I really didn’t feel like God chose me to speak to anyone. And while it’s been cool to see everyone else have their experiences of God building relationships with other people… I really felt lost and kind of angry that I wasn’t having the same thing. 

One of the first days we were here our team sat together and as we discussed our intentionality for the month, we started talking about how this is what we want to take back with us when we go home. It’s just going about everyday life, and when God brings someone in to your view, “run” after them. Build the relationships, and bring Him into it. 

Missional living doesn’t have to be a life of traveling to different countries, it can be as missional as your next door neighbour, or the baker in town, or your committed costumers, or the waitress at your local coffee shop. You get the picture. So simple. 

Think about you and God. How did you become so connected to him? Through your continual pursuit of getting to know Him (through the bible, prayer, and just talking with him). That’s relationship. Missional living is relationship. We build relationship with God, we build relationship with people and God builds His kingdom through that. 


4 responses to “No Host Month, Ask The Lord, Thoughts – Part One”

  1. Laiken! I love this post. That paragraph on missional living is exactly what’s been on my mind lately. How very encouraging. Thanks for this post, hope you’ve been well friend!

  2. Sounds like you’ve got it Laiken! We’ve got people in our path every day, no matter where we are, that need. And it’s often the people who seem to have it all together on the surface. God’s doing his work both in and through you!